December 2019 is Yang Fire on Water Rat month and begins on the 7th at 6:20 pm
It might be the last month in the Gregorian calendar but in the Solar calendar we are in the 2nd last month of the Chinese Year of the Earth Pig.
On that note, thank goodness the Pig month has ended as it forms a Self-Penalty with the Earth Pig year. The Pig is a Trave Star also known as a Travelling Horse in Chinese Astrology and 2 Pigs form a Self-Penalty , which would have played havoc to people who’s Day Master sits on a Pig or a Snake and as Travel is the theme of the Pig, this month would have made significant changes in your life, running around and feeling restless.
If you travelled, made significant changes, moved to a new house, jobs, or felt like you were living in your car driving everyone everywhere then you certainly honoured and felt the effects on those 2 Pigs.
December brings about Yang Fire on a Water Rat – or you could say the LOVE Rat, as the Rat in Chinese Astrology is a Romance Flower, which brings about relationships, beauty, attractiveness, and popularity. It can also bring about challenges in relationships especially as we are entering the Yang Metal Water Rat year of 2020. The Rat in the month of December can bring forward next years energy.
In the 5 elements water conquers the fire, therefore this month can be very unsettling, especially on an emotional issue we will notice more water & fire disasters.
Water also signifies fear, and fire signifies joy, therefore an emotionally unstable month of up’s and down’s and as Mental Health has been currently in the news this year, there will be a big emphasis on this issue…. So, be mindful of your actions and words and be KIND to one another, especially as the festive season approaches.
Yang Fire is like the Sun, generous, expressive, easy to make friends with and full of charisma.
The Water Pig is sociable, shrewd, quick witted, driven, fears failure as it was the first animal out of the river in the story of the 12 animals.
Take extra care if your Day Master sits on a Horse, as the Rat & the Horse are foes or a clash in Chinese Astrology, therefore bringing about challenges and changes in relationships.
Also, take extra care if your Day Master sits on a Rabbit as the Rat and the Rabbit form a Two- Penalty, this refers to a person who is disloyal.
If you have a Pig, Rabbit or Ox in the year or day you are born, then the Rat is your Romance Flower. If your single it’s time to mingle, so, anticipate a socially, romantic and vibrant month. For those in a relationship, enjoy the extra attention from your partner.
If your Day Master sits on an Ox, the Rat and the Ox are best of friends, therefore indicating great relationships and harmony with your partner or, if your single if can indicate the beginning of a new relationship.
The Rat also combines with the Monkey and the Dragon, forming a Water Trine combination- what does water signify in your chart? Is it money, intelligence, resources, power or self?
Health blog from TCM aspects for the month of September is;
December is Yang Fire on a Water Rat
Yang Fire is representative of the small intestine and the shoulders. In the TCM channel theory, small intestine channel runs along the exterior posterior side of the little finger and through the side of the arms, surrounding the scapular, go through the neck and nape then finally connecting to the ear and inner eyes.
Water Rat is indicative of the Bladder & ears, and fertility. In Chinese medicine, the bladder channel runs along the back of head, neck and nape, both sides of the spine, hip and back of the thighs and legs, exterior side of ankles then finishes in the little toe. It looks after quite a lot of the organs’ functions and has a close relationship with the Kidney which oversees the ear and reproductive system.
In December, both elements are in conflict of each other, therefore it would trigger many health issues including neck and shoulder stiffness, lower back/ sciatica pain, digestive and reproductive system problems.
In order to keep healthy during this challenging month, we need to keep the neck and shoulder covered when it’s windy or cold. As cliché as it may be, a healthy diet and a good night’s rest is key to avoiding sickness! Also, moderate exercise like yoga and Tai chi/qi gong would keep the energy moving without any damage.
For more on your health contact Dr Carrie Li at
What do the Fire & Water Element mean for you this month?
If you are YIN or YANG-
WOOD– you have the Midas touch this month showing off your skills and talents and the water will support and nourish your ideas, health and education. If Fire & water are an unfavourable element, take extra care of what you say or do and your health, so don’t overdo it.
FIRE– the fire brings about a very socially active lifestyle surrounded with friends and family, and the water will put pressure on you to perform and earn a promotion. If fire & Water are unfavourable family, friends, or colleagues can be a burden putting pressure on you. The Pig this month and this year is also your Nobleman – meaning helpful people can be around to take care of you.
EARTH– the fire brings about new ideas, study, resources, and learning something new with extra money available in the water element. If Fire & Water are unfavourable- be mindful to not overdo it as your health can take a toll and be aware of overdue fines or bills as your money will be scarce.
METAL– the fire brings about pressure, power and a promotion and the water can bring about recognition and accomplishments. If Fire & Water are unfavourable, your actions may bring about legal issues…. E.g., speeding or on your phone while driving will bring about a hefty fine or a suspension of licence.
WATER- the fire is your money element, so enjoy the extra money this month, with a very active social life, associating with friends, family and colleagues. If Fire & Water are unfavourable elements, family, friends, colleagues and competitors can be a burden exhausting your financials. Be vigilant with your finances.
The sectors that need to be looked after are in the;
Northwest -representing ill- health & fertility- 6 coins are recommended as a cure for this direction and the,
South -represents difficulty, obstacles & destructive energy- 6 metal bells or a 6-metal piped wind chime is recommended to disperse negative energy.
On a global scale the countries that lie in the NORTHWEST & SOUTH of a country/state can anticipate natural & climatic disasters.
Take extra care if these energies fall into your bedroom, front door, or kitchen.
Chinese Year of the Yang Metal Rat 2020
New workshop dates are available for The Year of the Metal Rat 2020 on my website and Facebook page Design 2 Feng Shui
Appointments are available for personal update forecasts for 2020.
Visit the Events section on my website for upcoming workshops or likewise contact me by email or call me on 0409795664 to book in for a yearly update forecast .
Chinese Astrology Part 1
Classes Begin in March 2020 and will run on a Saturday
Limited to 6 students in a class.
For more details email
Chinese Astrology -Part 2
Classes begin in February 2020 on a Saturday
Pre request Chinese Astrology – Part 1
If you wish to have the monthly forecasts emailed to you please email me at confirming your approval to receive updates
(no span mail will be sent).
If you’re interested in running private workshops from your home please inbox, call 0409795664 or send me an email;
Yearly and monthly cue kits are available
Yearly cure Kit- $50 (6 coins, 6 metal bells & turtle dragon)
Monthly cure kit- $35 (6 coins & 6 metal bells) plus postage $10
Book in for a home/ business consultation to create balance, harmony and bring in wealth to your home/business.
Wishing you all a prosperous month
Tina Curro