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Feng Shui Flying Stars Course

This Feng Shui Flying Star Course is designed to introduce you to the classical practice of Feng Shui that originated from Ancient China. This course highlights the history and background of Forms and Compass School Feng Shui with an emphasis on the Flying Stars System. Feng Shui Flying Star also known as Xuan Kong Flying Stars is one of the most popular systems practiced by 90% of Traditional and Classical Feng Shui masters & consultants.

The Feng Shui Flying Stars School is one of the traditional schools of Feng Shui which uses time dimension together with a Chinese Lo Pan compass to measure the direction a building and how the Human Qi interacts with this system . It also takes into consideration the external and internal environments.

Students will be able to differentiate between the different styles of Feng Shui schools, conduct a Feng Shui Flying Stars assessment, study the environment and internal landforms, of a property and so much more.

Classes are in person in Melbourne, Australia, and via Zoom.

The course is suitable to all levels of ages from 18 years and over, including  interior designers, architects , real estate agents, builders, Feng Shui enthusiasts, and those who are looking for a refresher course. No backgroung knowledge is required, just your willingness to learn.

After successfully completing the course, students will receive a Certificate of Completion which is recognised by the IFSA
  ( International Feng Shui Association) , AFSC
(Association of Feng Shui Consultants ) and the IICT
(International Institute of  Complementary Therapists).
Flying Stars Feng Shui Course


  • Background & History of Feng Shui
  • Famous master’s in history and their teachings and contributions
  • Qi, Yin & Yang, and the Five Elements
  • The 8 trigrams
  • Types of Feng Shui Systems: Forms and Compass
  • Introduction to Forms School Feng Shui
  • Introduction to Compass School Feng Shui, including 8 Mansion and Flying Star
  • Concept of Time: 3 Periods and 9 Ages
  • Introduction to Flying Star Feng shui
  • How to draw a Flying Star chart
  • How to analyse an interpret a Flying Star chart
  • Feng Shui Cures
  • Case Studies of homes & businesses
  • Kua or Gua Numbers in Flying Stars and their applications
  • Year and Month Star Influences
  • Introduction to Luo Pan
  • 30 Rules for Yang Houses
  • Master Sam’s Yang House examples
  • Special Flying Star Charts
  • Ho -Tu Combinations
  • 7 Star Robbery
  • Combination of Flying Star Numbers
  • Substitute Stars and their applications
  • Feng Shui Myths
  • Furniture & Office placement
  • Analysing the environment
  • Basic steps in performing a Feng Shui evaluation for Yang Houses.
  • Case Studies: Classical Example

Course Dates & Time: 

     In person or via zoom 

      9 Classes

     Time:  9:30 am- 4 pm 

Two weekends each month in July & August 2024, Class 9 will run on the last Saturday of August 2024.



1.      July 13th                                      

2.      July  14th                                   

3.     July 27th                                            

4.     July28th                                           

5.     August 10th                                         

6.     August 11th                                        

7.     August 24th                             

8.     August 25th    

9. August 31st                             



Investment: $3240 -Ask about payment plans ($100 non refundable deposit) 

Repeat Students: $888

Time: 10am- 4 pm AEST
Venue: Private residence Greensborough, Melbourne 

Classes will conducted  either in person in  classroom setting, or via Zoom.  

Registration Open

Inquiries Welcome