Happy New Year to you all.

Let me take this opportunity to thank you all for the support and followings throughout the year of 2021.


As the Georgian Calendar year has ended of 2021, we still have another month left in the Solar Calendar of the Chinese Year of the Ox. The Chinese Year officially begin on the 4th of February of every year. Chinese New Year celebrations are always celebrated on the New Moon closest to the 4th of February and this year it falls on the 1st of February 2022.

The Year of the Tiger 2022 forecast will be available soon, but before we get to the Tiger year we still need to end the Year of the Ox of 2021.

The month of January is the Yin Metal Ox which replicates the yearly energies and begins on January 5thth, 2022, @ 5:16 pm and ends on February 4th at 4:52 am.


When we examine the day the month begins the month and the year are both Yin Metal on an Ox, the day is Yang Earth on a Horse, and the hour is Yin Metal on a Rooster. There is strong metal in the month with the missing elements of water and wood to weaken this strong metal energy.

Yin Metal resembles a fine piece of jewellery, a small dagger or knife and a needle or a vaccine.

Yin Metal is tough, cold, and strong on the inside. Yin Metal people are articulate in speech, loyal, and have leadership qualities, but be aware as their words can cut you like a knife. There is a temptation for the finer things in life, and unwillingness to sacrifice their living standards even if it’s out of their means.

When the energies double up it can be quite powerful and can cause challenges as the monthly energy is offending the yearly energy. When something is offending it is causing you to feel annoyed or upset; as defined in the Oxford dictionary. Therefore, this month can be quite unsettling as governments can find themselves in arguments especially with the Flying Star 3 (wood) representing argument, robbery and fighting, which flies into the central palace this month causing friction with the Yearly star 6 (metal) representing the father, governments, military, & CEO’s. so, we will see another month of challenges especially with governments and restrictions.

The hour in a Chinese Astrology or Bazi chart represents the children pillar. We see that there is also Yin Metal on Metal Rooster in the hour, the Rooster and the Ox create half a Metal Combination (snake, rooster, ox) As the metal element is quite dominant this can represent the vaccine and the focus on the younger (5-11 year old) children to be vaccinated. Will there be a global resistance?

This year is also the last of the Metal energy, until it arrives again in 2028. Metal is a form of elimination and eradication, so it is a great month to let go of what does not serve you and to let go of the past and move forward to the new possibilities that are created. This can also be in relationships, friendships, jobs, homes, and the world as we knew it.

The Ox is a born leader, can achieve great things and is patient and dependable. We have to work hard like the ox to get through this last month to achieve great things so that the Tiger (wood) of next year can start to sprout new beginnings whatever that may be for you. My father who is passionate about his vegetable garden always says, “without hard work, nothing grows but weeds”.


Nobleman Month-

Nobleman is described as ‘helpful people’. This month brings a Nobleman to people born

  • Day of Yang Metal, Yang Metal & Yang Earth
  • Years ending in 0, 4, & 8.

Clash Animal

If you have a Goat in your Chinese Astrology chart, it can fall in the:

– Day you are born,

-Month (July 6/7 to August 7/ 8)

– Hour (between 1 pm- 3 pm) and,

– Years (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015).

It is recommended that you take extra care this month and carry the charm of an RAT as it is friends with the Ox in Chinese Astrology.


Penalty Animal

An Earth Penalty can instigate accidents, legal issues, extreme worry, diabetes, obesity, anorexia, growths, cysts, and event cancer.

If you have a Goat & Dog in your Chinese Astrology Chart, then this month brings about and Earth Penalty.

If earth is an unfavourable element, then avoid extreme sports, climbing mountains and take extra on the roads.

Carry the Charm of the Rat to weaken the effects


Combinations with the Ox-

The Ox and the Rat are best of friends in Chinese Astrology, therefore, anticipate a smoother month, especially if it’s on the Day you are born.

The Ox combines with the Snake and the Rooster forming a Metal Element Trine combination- what does Metal represent in your chart? Is it money, intelligence, resources, power, or self?

(A Chinese Astrology reading can give you more information. See below for services).



The sectors that need to be looked after are:

Southeast –representing ill- health & fertility- 6 coins are recommended as a cure for this direction,

and the

West –represents difficulty, obstacles & destructive energy- 6 metal bells or a 6-metal piped wind chime is recommended to disperse negative energy.

On a global scale the countries that lie in the Southeast & West of a country/state can anticipate natural & climatic disasters.

AOVID disturbing the land, digging, and renovations in these sectors for the month as it can lead to money loss, and misfortune.

Take extra care if these energies fall into your bedroom, front door, or kitchen.


2022 Courses


Flying Stars Feng Shui

Chinese Astrology

2022 Teaching calendar will also include Zoom classes and in person classes.

Classes will begin in March 2022.

Just finalising a few dates.

Professional Services

Chinese Astrology Consultations 1 Hour @ $150

(via Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime)

Feng Shui Consultations (please contact me)

Don’t forget to book in for your yearly updates as appointment are going fast.

If you wish to have the monthly forecasts emailed to you please email me at tina@design2fengshui.com.au  confirming your approval to receive updates

 (no span mail will be sent).

If you’re interested in running private workshops via zoom please inbox, call 0409795664 or send me an email; tina@design2fengshui.com.au

Yearly and monthly cue kits are available
Yearly cure Kit- $50 (6 coins, 6 metal bells & turtle dragon)
Monthly cure kit- $35 (6 coins & 6 metal bells) plus postage $10

Book in for a home/ business consultation to create balance, harmony and bring in wealth to your home/business.

Wishing you all a prosperous month.

Tina Curro